Glass Pipes

Brandon Amico

The Greeks had a name
for each direction of wind
to name something is to understand
it better or at least
believe you do, same reason
the gods were made, Nothing
can move about tangibly with
a big red label sticker affixed on it
see the countless companies
arising on the promise of my
past through DNA testing
a name for every headwater
of idiosyncrasy and jawline
I want to know where
this beef came from I want to know
what the car's previous owner
was up to, I want to know
what he did before making
headlines, want a clear shot
at his roots so removed
from the original Latin
now that Latin is not around
to defend itself
the urge to live in a glass
house with glass walls and watch
my neighbors name their not-
yet children, the pipes visibly
pumping water in and waste
out singing in the sparkling
moonlight the cicadas
shimmering the air in every
direction, their witnessing loudly
I try to shake my doctor
with my voice, I'll feel
better if I know what I'm
dealing with, just tell
me how to fix it and 
then what is wrong