A Mushroom Now and Then Pushing Through the Needles

Christopher Citro and Dustin Nightingale

A maple leaf falls against the page. You close the book. It's caught in there, tight against some ghost hair flew into the room. There is a very easy way to view the world and it will make you happy. If you are very lucky it might make you sad in the good way. Broth on the stove, three days old. A story you tell that you don't remember being told, a drone in a restaurant that offers flower bouquets. Wild pheasants in the intersection. Pickups arc wide to pass. Streams once met here, natural banks eaten into by the current. When I woke the book was covered in leaves and so was I. There were 100 crows all saying their names to anything that would listen. Hold a small plane to your eye, close the other, then walk into a dark room, you're flying.