Letter from the Editor

Dear reader,

“Are you hungry for it now, / are you ready for something that you hadn’t expected?” These lines, from Noah Stetzer’s “Stranger Jelly,” are as good an introduction to our tenth anniversary issue as anything we could write for the occasion.

Indeed, one of the distinct pleasures of editing a magazine like The Rupture is that we get to experience that hunger for something we hadn’t expected and then we get to sate it and then, best of all, we pass it along to you, reader. Fortunately, it is a pleasure that renews itself, and, like hunger, it is every bit as strong in our eleventh year as it was in our first.

Issue 104 is full of what the narrator of Myriam Lacroix’s “Love Bun” calls “unorthodox lusts and selfish hungers” (though it is true that the hungers that narrator is speaking of, reader, are, shall we say, more unorthodox than most of the hungers you’ll find in this issue, more unorthodox and more sinister)—here there are grift and corruption, petty larceny, and a yearning for novelty masking utter despair, but there are also less recondite hungers here, too: hungers for acceptance and civility, love, reconciliation with nature, even just . . . hunger.

Reader, we hope you find yourself ready for something you hadn’t expected, because we’re certain you’ll find it here.

Thank you so much for reading!

Gabriel Blackwell
The Rupture